Make your content work harder for you

A photo of Sarah. Sarah is a white woman in her 30s with shoulder length blonde hair. She's turned to the side and smiling brightly at something  in the distance.

I’m Sarah Stanford, an Australian content strategist.

I help:

  • government agencies and commercial businesses make better content decisions through my day-to-day work
  • content professionals (and other contend-adjascent pals) build great digital experiences through my writing and resources.

People have worked with me to

Know themselves (their business, voice, and processes) better

It's hard to share what you do (and why you do it) if you can't find the right words. And it's near impossible to manage your content operations if the processes are murky. I help people clean up mess, and make sure they have the word and tools they need to tell a compelling story.

Improve their content maturity

I can’t wholly banish the unpredictable, but I can provide some guideposts to work with. I'm here to support clients set a clear strategy and educate their teams. I help them dial down the chaos and improve their content production and maintenance.

Make the most of what they've got

What do you do when you've made a series of content investments, but need to rethink or reorganise them? Starting with ‘content strategy’ can feel like starting all over again (again). Instead, I help people harness the great work they've already done and dive into what's next.

Make better stuff, not more stuff

I give clients the tools and frameworks they need to make content decisions easier. It isn’t always about volume: it’s about making the right content moves. I help move people from ideation to delivery, bringing a mix of strategic thinking and solid writing skills.

About me

I’m a writer who connects big picture thinking with detailed action. And I’m a strategist who delivers ambitious but realistic content solutions. I work best when bringing structure and clarity to ambiguity (and coffee and cake to meetings).

Meet Sarah

Things I do

User and competitive research
Content audits
Content strategy
Verbal branding and style guides
Website and other digital strategy
Content operations

How I do them

Day-today work with strategic design consultancy Folk
Free writing and resources

Learn about what I do

My favourite feedback

Sarah is that rarest of people. An incredibly broad skillset: content design, content operations, research. Can work across contexts, from product to gov websites. A deep knowledge of her craft. And she's an absolute delight to work with. I've seen her deliver under immense pressure, and remain pragmatic, cheerful and at the absolute top of her game.

You’ve changed my working definition of “content” and solidified (? Expanded? Flexed?) its meaning. It’s a harmonious masterpiece of moving parts that make up the whole ecosystem. It’s the words, structure, processes, strategy, ethics, to define our standards and more importantly who we are and what we stand/strive for in our business.

My co-founder and I were blocked and it was slowing down our ability to launch and make money. With Sarah, we were able to launch very quickly. We felt confident about how we were presenting ourselves. Sarah also showed us processes in which to lessen the amount of effort and work to produce the output that we wanted.

Sarah tailored our training [accessibility for writers] to what we'd discussed (I LOVE that she wanted to get the focus just right for us). She delivered it beautifully and in such an engaging way. It's helped our team so much. We’ve learnt that  accessibility goes far beyond just words on the page. It has sparked so many great conversations with the team too!

Want some of my brain juice?

Every now and then, I smear a bit of it all over the internet. By which I mean I publish an article on Substack that you can have delivered straight to your inbox. They’re all free (for now) and give you a good idea of how I work and think. Plus, reading my emails is an excellent way to feel like you’re working while you enjoy a morning coffee.

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